Engineering firm with more than 3,400 staff goes into administration

Updated November 22, 2018 19:09:19 Photo: Pilgangoora Lithium Processing Plant in WA being built by RCR Tomlinson (Supplied: RCR Tomlinson) Related Story: Solar industry hiring backpacker workforce, insider reveals Related Story: Water Corporation privatisation leaves little profit, WA Opposition says The big Perth-based engineering and construction company RCR Tomlinson has gone into administration just months

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Sale of gas assets to China not in national interest, Treasurer says

Updated November 07, 2018 19:55:03 A multi-billion-dollar Chinese-backed takeover of more than half of Australia’s gas pipeline network looks likely to be blocked by the Morrison Government. Key points: Josh Frydenberg said the proposal would result in a “undue concentration of foreign ownership” This comes despite ACCC approving the takeover The news comes as Foreign

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Landlords not taking mould issues seriously despite grave illness, tenants claim

Updated October 29, 2018 12:28:42 Photo: Tenant advocates say there is often an assumption that mould is the residents’ fault. (Supplied) Tenants are struggling to get landlords to take mould in their properties seriously, despite a growing number of people claiming it has left them seriously ill. Key points: Parliamentary inquiry hears face an uphill

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2018 People’s Choice Award

Want to improve work health and safety in your workplace or industry? We’re offering between $2,000 and $20,000* to help fund great work health and safety projects. Apply online and bid for a chance to win the funds to make your project a reality. The best projects will win their funding bid and go in

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Sanctions loom for Saudi Arabia as evidence mounts it may be behind Khashoggi murder

Updated October 19, 2018 16:09:15 Photo: Investors are concerned about what happens if Saudi Arabia pulls the oil trigger. (Reuters: Regis Duvignau) As evidence mounts that Saudi Arabia is responsible for the murder and dismemberment of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the potential for sanctions against the middle-eastern kingdom mounts. Key points: Saudi Arabia recently shut

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