Media release: Minister Cash launches National Safe Work Month 2017
Sharing your safety knowledge and experience benefits everyone.
Minister for Employment, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, has officially launched National Safe Work Month 2017, reminding Australians that safe workplaces happen when everyone shares their knowledge and experience about what makes work safe.
“October is National Safe Work Month, a time to celebrate that Australia is one of the safest places in the world to work, but also a time when we all commit to building even safer workplaces.
“We should be proud that our convictions pay off – the number of Australians killed at work each year has been steadily declining for a decade.
“But we cannot afford to be complacent. In fact, safety is an integral part of doing business,” she said.
Minister Cash urges workers to bring work safety to the front of their minds, share knowledge and experience, run safety initiatives in their workplaces and share these initiatives on social media.
Throughout October, Safe Work Australia is publishing information on how to do this and broadcasting two seminars on Building a bully-free workplace (10 October) and WHS in major events (24 October).
Safe Work Australia is also offering $5000 to the organisation showcasing the most outstanding workplace health and safety initiative during National Safe Work Month.
“Continue sharing safety knowledge not only during this important month, but throughout the year, because safety should be an everyday conversation in your workplace,” said Minister Cash.
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