The below directory shows Companies engaged on Major Projects across the region.
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The Cross River Rail Delivery Authority (CRRDA)
The Cross River Rail Delivery Authority (CRRDA)Tunnel and Station: Pulse, Qconnect, CentriQ Partnerships Rail: River City Alliance, Unity Alliance
Along with the construction of 10.2km of tram lines and a 5.2km tunnel that will cross under the Brisbane River and CBD, the Cross River Rail will also involve the construction of four new train stations, located in the suburbs of Dutton Park, Woolloongabba, Bowen Hills and the CBD.
UGL delivers maintenance operations for the Brisbane Busways Network servicing over 32km of bus rapid transit to provide South East Queensland residents with a reliable and efficient public transport system.
In partnership with Busways Network operators Translink Transit Authority and the Department of Transport and Main Roads, we maintain the Intelligent Transport System (ITS) assets on the network, including:
over 700 closed circuit television cameras (CCTV),
fire detection, warning, deluge, sprinkler & hydrant systems
81 automatic sliding doors
digital video recording & archiving systems
traffic & tunnel signals
air quality monitoring
access control & security systems
Transurban Queensland
Transurban QueenslandCPB Contractors
Transurban Queensland’s $512 million Logan Enhancement Project includes widening sections of the Logan and Gateway motorways, improving key congestion hot spots (Logan Motorway/Mt Lindesay Highway/Beaudesert Road interchange and the Wembley Road/Logan Motorway interchange) and constructing new south-facing on and off-ramps on the Gateway Motorway at Compton Road