Is the RBA's model broken or merely bent as wages wither and jobs grow?

Updated May 15, 2019 11:55:44 Photo: More people in work should mean higher wages. What has broken down? (ABC News: Michael Barnett) The Reserve Bank would have studied the recent snapshot of Australia’s workplaces with decidedly mixed feelings. This week: Construction work done third quarter data (Thursday) RBA minutes and RBA governor speech (Tuesday) Thanksgiving

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MATES Stronger Together

MATES in Construction is running an awareness campaign across Queensland and Northern Territory to raise awareness about the importance of mental health and suicide prevention on construction worksites.  The campaign includes billboards around the state and territory (12 in total) supported by a poster and social media campaign.  The campaign focuses on non-metropolitan Queensland and

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MATES SA Charity Lunch a success!

MATES in Construction SA held their third Annual Charity Lunch at the iconic Adelaide Oval in November last year.  Not only was this their number one fundraiser for the year, it was also a celebration of the great work the team has been doing throughout the year.  Nearly 300 people joined together to show their

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Proposed Gold Coast cruise ship terminal grows in size, and possibly cost

Posted May 07, 2019 19:11:14 Photo: The financial viability of proposed $450 million Gold Coast cruise ship terminal is being questioned. (Supplied: Queensland Government) Gold Coast councillors and community groups are questioning the financial viability of the city’s proposed $450 million cruise ship terminal, after a confidential Queensland Government report shows the project would need

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