Is Victoria spending more on infrastructure than the entire Commonwealth?

RMIT ABC Fact Check Updated June 20, 2019 16:36:04 Photo: Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas says that the Andrews Government is spending more on infrastructure in the state than the Commonwealth is spending nationwide. (ABC News: Danielle Bonica) The claim Victoria has long complained that the state is being short-changed by the Commonwealth on infrastructure funding,

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NSW building industry facing 'crisis of confidence' after second apartment block evacuation

Posted June 19, 2019 06:17:20 Photo: Fabiano Dos Santos was only able to retrieve his wallet and medication yesterday. (ABC News: Liv Casben) A “crisis of confidence” has developed in the NSW building industry, the Insurance Council of Australia has said, as residents and owners of the Mascot Towers building in Sydney’s south face another

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