Consultation RIS—Recommendations of the 2018 Review of the Model WHS Laws
Safe Work Australia invites feedback on the recommendations of the review of the model WHS laws
In 2018, Ms Marie Boland carried out an independent review of the model WHS laws.
“Safe Work Australia published the final report of the Review in February this year.
Overall, the Review found that the model WHS laws are operating as intended, but identified some areas where stakeholders are experiencing confusion or consider the laws to be overly complex. The Review’s final report made 34 recommendations to address these issues.” CEO, Michelle Baxter said.
The key recommendations include:
- introducing regulations dealing with psychological health
- new arrangements for health and safety representatives (HSRs) and work groups in small businesses
- clarifying workplace entry of HSR assistants and WHS entry permit holders
- providing HSRs with choice of training course
- providing a process for resolving disputes about WHS issues
- including gross negligence as an element of the Category 1 offence, and
- introducing an industrial manslaughter offence.
“Safe Work Australia now invites interested stakeholders to consult on the Review recommendations.
I encourage everyone who may be affected by the recommendations to provide feedback. Your input will play an important part in deciding how the model work health and safety laws may be improved.
We were pleased with the high level of engagement during the Review. We want to hear from those who have already provided comments during the Review, as well as those who have not participated before.” CEO, Michelle Baxter stated.
Consultation will be open for six weeks. Written submissions are due by 5 August 2019.
Safe Work Australia has set up a consultation page with information and details on how to participate.