Payment of Hides LNG royalties assured, says PNG PM, but still no ETA
Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O’Neill has told Parliament $1 billion kina ($A400 million) owed to landowners in Hela Province will be paid, but his delegation to the highlands has failed to tell them when.
The traditional owners of the land where ExxonMobil LNG facilities have been operating for that past two years are standing firm, refusing to allow access despite pleas from a government delegation yesterday.
The landowners have shut off some of the gas supply to the main plant. The chair of the Juha Landowners Association, Hengebe Haluya, says the meeting was a disappointment. And opposition leader Don Polye has backed their actions, calling on the government to negotiate.
In Parliament yesterday, the opposition’s Ben Micah put some questions to the Prime Minister.
Bruce Hill and Richard Ewart
Source: Pacific Beat
Duration: 7min 21sec